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发布时间:2023-03-29 00:11人气:

 易彤料理机维修 Electric toothbrush set off a revolution in the field of oral health care in foreign countries。Although the electric toothbrush is not universal in my country,However, it is predicted that it will become an important member of public health products.。

  survey shows that,Compared with ordinary toothbrushes, Electric toothbrush is more scientific and effective。It can clear the plaque more thoroughly, Reduce gingivitis and gum bleeding,It is also popular goods in many countries in Europe and America.。Electric toothbrush fast rotation,Make the brush head to generate high frequency vibration,Decompose toothpaste into fine bubble immediately,Deep cleaning between teeth; Simultaneously,Hard hair trembling can promote blood circulation in the mouth。

  So how to use an electric toothbrush correctly??You can refer to some of the following experiences。

  1。 Install the brush head:Tighten the brush to the toothbrush shaft,Until the brush head meshes with metal shaft。


  2。 Soak in warm water:Adjust the softness of bristles with warm water: cold water:Moderate,; Ice water:Slightly hard。It is highly recommended that beginners use,Soak it first before use40℃The following warm water!Due to China95%The above people have periodontal diseases,The feeling of gums is more sensitive,Soak the bristles in warm water very soft,Brush it feels very comfortable,Habit2?5Subsequent,The hardness of hard hair depends on your preferences.。


  3。 Squeeze:Toothpaste is perpendicular to the bristle center,And squeeze proper amount of toothpaste。In order to avoid toothpaste splash,It is best to first squeeze before turning on the power.。


  4。 Effective brushing teeth:Brush your teeth,Take the teeth through the thinhead。Place the teeth between the three sides of the hard hair,And pull back with a moderate force。Toothpaste foam,Turn on the power switch,After the brush is shaking, moderate force is applied.,From previous teeth to back to the back to teeth,Clean all teeth!Generally,Each time you just use three electric teeth to brush your teeth, you can achieve thorough cleaning for two minutes.。


  5, Use a mortgage:After brushing the teeth,It is best to use the scratch edge of the brush head to scratch the tongue on the tongue。Reach the effect of thorough cleaning tongue。


  6。 Foam splash:Before removing the toothbrush from the mouth,Please turn off your power first。


  7。 Clean toothbrush:After brushing your teeth,Place the brush in the water,Turn on the power switch,Click on the brush again several times,It can wash foreign objects and toothpaste remaining on bristles。



