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发布时间:2023-01-24 00:07人气:

  The dryer can solve the problem of difficulty clothes under certain environmental weather,In order to ensure that we can replace dry clothes in time,It plays a very important role in our lives,Therefore, in the process of using the dryer, we must regularly maintain the dryer.,If there is a problem Should be handled in time。


  Dryer—Damage parts of dryer parts

  Dryer:1,Heating tube damage2,Dry single(double)Temperature relay damage。Blow away:1,Air chamber heating chamber。2Blower motor(Fan blades)damage。Condensation:Connection tube damage。Treatment method is to replace parts。

  Dryer-Turn on the power,Power indicator is not bright,Whole machine does not work。

  First check whether the power supply voltage and power plug are normal.,in caseFRBlow,It should be found in the cause of the blow.,After troubleshooting,use250Vinstead 10A, 130℃Overheating fuse,Troubleshooting。

  Drying time of dryer exceeds3hour,Don't dry clothes。

  Check if the dry clothes are too thick or no dehydration,Second, whether the cloth zipper is open,Is it possible to check if the above is normal?,PTC1withPTC2Most heaters have broken bad。Use the resistance method to determine if the resistance is infinite Will be very good for newPTC,Troubleshoot。

  Dryer-Drying process suddenly stops(The fault isWKAction protection)

  The main reason is that the gas supply loop failed,CheckB D1?D5, CwithMDamaged is usually due toMLong-term running wear,Excessive temperature,byWRAction。replaceM,You can also replace the electric motor in the old fan directly.。another reason,Foreign and exports in the air inlet will cause this failure。Remove foreign matter,Dryer can work properly。


  Maintenance method of dryer


  After use,Make sure the power plug is unplugged from the outlet。Wipe the surface of the home dryer using a soft cloth,Unsharging soil can be wiped with a neutral detergent。But don't use a hard brush Polishing powder Diluent Volatile oil and many more wipe。

  2。cleaning supplies

  Remove the wool filter after each use,Then remove the dandruff on the filter with a soft brush,Be careful not to destroy the filter。You can also use water to gently rinse it when it is difficult to clear.。Don't forget to install the fluff filter cover after cleaning。If there is no special requirements,Please do not inject oil into the hinge and roller bearings。Otherwise it will be counterproductive。It is necessary to remove dust in the air inlet, Timely exhaust vent,And please pay attention not to stop it。

  The above is a test method and maintenance method of the dryer.。I hope to help you.。In all weather phenomena, I hate back to the sky in the south.。After a few days,The humidity in the air is enough to extrude the water out。Let someone who is eager to change clothes,But the dryer can help us,Friends needed may wish to buy and use。


