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发布时间:2022-12-16 00:05人气:

  Fashion enthusiast,Naturally, natural materials have numerous advantages,but,There is also a fatal weak point,Difficult to maintain。


  If you want to wear silk,do not worry,Or send it to a reliable professional dry cleaning store(Really expensive!),You either work 易彤沙冰机修理 more effort(Actually, Wash a dress with hand5minute,This fee is acceptable)。Reliable dry cleaning store is too small,expensive,therefore, It is recommended to wash and maintain silk clothes with hand.。



  Check if there is obvious stain before washing。If you dilute the laundry powder twice, it is useful., Put it directly on the stain and gently wipe。



  Pour the appropriate amount of nutrient in the basin,Then pour it with cold water(summer, Use tap water directly,in winter, You can add a 易彤破壁机售后维修 little hot water,But don't exceed30degree)And mix evenly。Put your clothes in the basin3-5minute,Does not exceed10minute,Then wipe gently。Rinse it again with water。In order to protect the color of the clothes,After cleaning, you can put it in a clean water.,Join two or three drops of vinegar,soak5Remove after minute。


  If the clothes are dirty or insufficient,Soak two times with nutrient solution。Pay attention to the shadow to be washed separately,If you wash more than one, From a clear,Don't be soaked together。Silk will fade,therefore,Don't be washed together, you can't soak too long.。In addition,Coloration is very complicated,For example, black and white items,Can be washed in 易彤破壁机官网 the local area Water is seriously floating。Do not rinse with water。Do not recommend new hands to wash this type of silk clothes。


  Do not undetely after soaking,For tensile fibers,You can roll it up and extruded moisture,You can hang a relatively thin reel cake to dry,Silk woven and heavy silk is heavy,add water,Suspension is easy to deform,It is best to let go and dry。Keep the back in the shadow。when80%Take off the clothes when drying is not easy to change the color。Don't expose it directly,Sunshine direct shooting will make clothes yellow color。


  Shek wrinkles,After washing Make sure to use the steam iron to recover luster。You can iron the back of the iron again。dry80%Time,Ironing effect is best。The ironing process can also play a role of bactericidal and insecticidality。This can prevent moldy,Drill is easy to save。


  Be careful not to hang silk on sharp hooks。It's easy to see ugly traces,Deformation and ironing after long-term deformation。Don't put it in the cabinet,Camphor pills will make silk hard,in the South, Dried flowers such as lavender and moisture absorbers can be used to prevent moisture。

  Pay attention to everyday wear

  Don't wear continuous, Don't wear too dirty Reduce the number of washing,Reduce contact and friction of hard objects when wearing,I sweat much when I wear it.,I suggest you go home and soak it in a clean water.。Day cleaning。

  Silk clothes are not suitable for washing

  Heavy silk E.g30Mm or more,This type of clothes are worse after washing。This kind of dress is very expensive in the closet.,Maintenance needs investment。Special silk fabric, for example, Silk is very smooth due to light and irregular wrinkles,The shrinkage ratio is relatively high after washing,It is difficult to restore the original brightness and wrinkles after steaming.。



