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发布时间:2022-10-22 00:10人气:

  You can let you relax every day!,Nothing is exhausted than the bathing hot bath。High quality shower can bring a comfortable shower experience for everyone,Eliminate your own fatigue。So how should the sweer head in normal life should be maintained?The editor here provides you with some tips for shower maintenance。


  Remove scale

  Shower after a while,May accumulate some scale,Result in less water or water flow turbulence, etc.。Scale cleaning is the inevitable work of the shower,According to the different functions of the shower,Mainly divided into the following categories:易彤破壁机不转

  answer:Manual cleaning:Remove the net cover or absorb the other components of scale from the nozzle,Use a brush cleaning Put back。Some brands of shower are equipped with a special showerhead for sale.。Convenient consumers。

  b:Wipe cleaning with hand:This shower is designed with rubber particles,Rubber material feels soft and comfortable and it is not easy to expand,Easy to clean, just rubber particles with fingers,Scales are easy to crush and pop up。This cleaning method makes full use of the material properties,This is a popular cleaning method in the market.。

  c:Automatic cleaning:Due to a special structure of a shower,During use,Scales will automatically remove。E.g, Some shower nozzles have cleaning needles,When switching out of the water,Cleaning needle will automatically pop up,Scale。

  Here you need to remind,Even if your shower has automatic cleaning function,Open the showerhead after using it for a long time,Thorough manual cleaning,Please carefully maintain your shower。Remove the shower head every six months or shorter,Place it in a small pot,Watering with edible white vinegar and soak the shower surface and inside4-6hour,Then use cotton to gently wipe the nozzle on the shower surface.:Reinstall the connector, Let the water flow wait for a while to wait for the white vinegar and scale,In order to eliminate or reduce the impact of scale on the shower,And can play a certain sterilization effect。

  Water dragon head

  I often use a soft cloth to wipe the surface of the shower.,Then rinse with water,Show the shower surface。



  answer:Please pay attention to the safety of yourself and products when disassembling the nozzle:

  b:Filter spacers can not be used for too large or too fine mesh,Too big may not filter impurities,Too fine to affect water flow,The size of the filter should be40-60Objective。(Small science:So-called grid,Refers to the particle size or thickness of the material,General definition means1inch* 1Number of grids in the inch area,That is the screen of the screen,The material can be defined by the grid of the grid as:E.g, 200At present, Material can pass1inch* 1Inches200Mesh screen。)

  c:Do not use strong acid when descaling,To avoid corrosion of the shower surface。

  d:Please do not dismantle the shower for maintenance,Incorrect disassembly can damage the appearance and internal structure of the product。

  e:The ambient temperature of the lotus head cannot exceed70Degrees Celsius,High temperature and ultraviolet rays will greatly accelerate the age of shower,Shorten the life of the shower,therefore, The mounting position of the shower head should be as far as possible away 易彤料理机维修from the heat source of the bathroom.。Shower can't be installed directly below the Yuba,And the distance should be60CMthe above。


