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发布时间:2022-07-25 00:03人气:

  Clean fresh, Bright and comfortable driving environment,Not only can extend the life of the interior,Simultaneously, It can effectively improve driving emotions。The following editor summarizes the maintenance inside the vehicle.,Let's see!


  1。 seat

  The seat part of the ordinary vehicle occupies most of the vehicle.,It is also one of the most parts of the owner.。The seat is not very dirty, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner for long brush and strong suction.。Use vacuum cleaner to draw dust,Simultaneous brushing seat surface。

  High-end cars often use leather seats,Both comfortable and noble,Life life is also longer。Leather is a natural product,natural, Maintenance is not underestimated。Ordinary chemical cleaning agent is best not to use,Alkaline cleaners should be used,Wipe dry with cotton towel after washing like soap water。

  Relatively simple for fabric seat processing。It is recommended to pay and clean when buying back to new cars.。And make sure there is no watermark now。Cleaning and protection is usually used for 易彤破壁机常见故障professional cleaners,If you accidentally drop colored liquids such as juice or coffee,I suggest you wash it in a timely manner.,In order to keep the car's cleanliness。

  2。 Dashboard

  Another important part of the interior of the car is the dashboard that everyone will face directly.。Its cleanliness is the most important part of people who should pay attention to when checking if the car is cleaned.。As long as you pay attention to the dashboard,You will find that only one rag and sponge can be cleaned.,These ditches and ridges need to be used“Special tool”Clean up。usually, Ordinary car beauty store will sell tools for cleaning up car interiors。E.g, Dedicated cleaning strips of cleaning air conditioning。

  In addition,Most dashboards are made of plastic,Under the ultraviolet rays of the sun and ozone in the air,over time, Plastic material is aging brittle Crack。In order to reduce the aging of these plastic parts,usually,You can apply a layer of cleaning and protective water wax on the dashboard.。Wax can effectively extend the life of plastic materials。


  3。 Carpet

  The most dirty thing on the car is a carpet。Simultaneously, Carpet is also the exterior of the owner。

  The carpet with high-end cars is basically integrated with the car.。Not easy to disassemble and clean,therefore, It is best to place a moving mat on the car。If the foot is dirty,Simply take it from the car and tap or cleaned。

  Floor glue installed on ordinary vehicles can also effectively keep the interior floor cleaning。But whether the installation of the floor gum will affect the taste prepared by the whole vehicle, It depends on different people。Wise people see their wisdom。

  4。 Roof

  Long-term use of the roof,It is inclined to accumulate a lot of dust in inconspicuous places.,These places are usually a place where daily cleaning cannot take care of。

  The cleaning method of the canopy is usually used using high-power vacuum cleaners and brushes.。Then use a neutral cleaner to clean the dust concentrated place,At last, Again clean again。But you must pay attention,The filler of the car is made of thermal insulation and sound absorbing materials.。Extremely strong water absorption,The cleaning is required to be 易彤破壁机漏水维修 dry.,Apart from this, If the roof material is wet,It will be difficult to completely dry。

  5,Other interior

  For the steering wheel and gearbox,Brake and other parts you can use a small toothbrush or clear it with an internal cleaner。At last, It is best to spray the glass coating product on the windshield,To prevent winter rain,Snow or fog drive。


